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Friday 25 November 2016

How organisations can address the cultural shifts inherent in digital transformation

Digital transformation  aims at  creating  a culture of innovation  and an enabling revenue growth in the new digital world.

Many established companies are engaging in transformation strategies in an attempt to reach online buyers and the almost 19-million smartphone users in Kenya ,With an average GDP growth of 5.8% over the last three years it can in 2015 lay claim to the title of the world’s third fastest growing economy. Its mobile and internet penetration are among  the highest in Africa at 83% and 58% respectively of the 44.35 million population. And a burgeoning middle class today makes up 22% of the country’s population
However, not all digital transformation programmes that businesses launch are successful.
Cloud technologies have the potential to enable rapid startup business growth at low cost. startups  are often better positioned to capitalise on this new digital market because they can begin with a clean sheet.

Conversely, established businesses may be constrained by legacy technologies but an even bigger challenge may be antiquated thinking within the organisation.
However, the culture of digital thinking can be successfully catalyzed using modern technology platforms in an organisation.
Technologies that enable natural collaboration, seamless communication and avoid daily frustrations are beneficial to employees and create a fertile environment for innovation.
Of course it is not just about the technology — it’s about the people, how they work together, and how they think. Employees who are scared, feel threatened or are consciously rejecting change for personal reasons, can quickly derail the transformation strategy. In spite of this, investing, or even over-investing in change management is almost guaranteed to produce a positive ROI resulting from the cultural change.

The purpose of digital transformation is to create a culture of innovation thereby enabling revenue growth in the new digital world

For any change management process to succeed, there are several factors that need to be put in place.
Foremost, any call for change must have strong executive sponsorship. With key members of the C-Suite championing the change and executive management supporting and participating in the change, the chances of success are immediately and significantly improved.
Thereafter a series of tools and processes need to be implemented to ensure readiness, good communication, identifying champions, winning over critics, training and support during the change.
The drivers of change must consider key personalities that affect a change management strategy. Understanding these personalities, and their different needs can assist in transforming the culture within the organisation.

The champion

The champion is positive when instituting change management and training. These individuals have drive and passion and bring energy to the business. They are often well liked and have the ability to collaborate easily and willingly. They will be excited about the change, endorse the project and try to positively reinforce the benefits of the technology with their co-workers.

The critics

They  generally oppose change on principle. They may not be entirely fulfilled in their role or they do not like to embrace change of any kind. However, with focused effort and specific training methods, a critic can be converted into a a very powerful champion. When a champion says something is good, one can discount it because champions are happy about most things. When the typically vocal critic says something new is good, ironically more people listen.

The victim

The victim is usually aligned with the business’ objectives, yet they may feel trapped in their role and have a low level of satisfaction. Their resistance to change is often fueled by fear of change, they are sometimes vocal and may attempt to rally support from co-workers. However, understanding and acknowledging their fears and teaming victims with champions to provide an engaging experience can quickly assist in changing the victim culture to a new collaborative one.

The bystander

He is the most challenging personality to work with is the bystander.
These are generally employees who may experience a high level of dissatisfaction in their role and who proactively start disengaging even further once new technology has been introduced. While they may understand the reason and benefits for change, they simply won’t engage. In the case of bystanders, the executive sponsor can be a key asset. Once bystanders notice that “even the boss” has engaged in a new culture, they will usually follow.
For all the personalities the change management team must provide appropriate training, recognising that dynamics of the different team players can mean different types of training. Generally an interactive approach to training is most successful because employees are not learning if they’re not actively engaged. Often the critic’s training is done face-to-face, within the user’s actual working environment.
Dealing with a critic’s daily challenges is not enough, to win over a critic, one must excite them with a big “win” or significant benefit that eclipses the need to criticise and replaces it with the need to talk (or even brag) about the win.
While different people like to learn in different ways, developing a culture of self-help users is the ultimate goal for the organisation. Users who are comfortable with video tutorials and happy to work things out for themselves form an important part of the new culture of a digitally transformed business. Teaching all categories of users to quickly find the help they need can be as easy as showing them how to use Google, “How do I …”.
Google reached one-billion users on Search, Maps, YouTube, Android, Chrome, and Play without any training but simply by developing easy to use products and a culture of self help users.
Emulating digital consumer style thinking inside the enterprise is one of the key aspects of achieving a digitally transformed culture. It can be a best case scenario from a cost, skills-retention and team satisfaction perspective and it creates an environment receptive to innovation.

want to know more about digital transformation?
Join me every Thursday  on twitter (on the hashtag   CorporateTalk101 ) as we engage  different corporates,  talking about digital transformation , products , services,  and ways of ensuring that you achieve your objectives as a corporate, as well as assuring your customers  of quality services , products and ultimate satisfaction .

Follow me on all social media platforms  @PresenterAli


Thursday 24 November 2016

Gravity can light the world with this new technology

Did you know that a bag of rocks and a downward force could Light  the world?
Creating a future that’s bright and safe for all is at the heart of gravity light – the lamp that’s lighting areas of the world with limited access to electricity using the power of gravity. As the 2015 winner of shell’s springboard programme  ,GravityLight is a gravity  (there’s that word again) powered lamp designed by Deciwatt to provide a safer, cleaner alternative to the dangerous kerosene lamps which are common in the developing world
as of 2015 1.1 billion people are still without access   to energy . For many of these people the only affordable solution to their lack of access has been kerosene lamps which are harmful to their health. In fact, studies have shown that inhaling the toxic fumes from kerosene lamps is the equivalent of smoking 170 cigarettes per year; unintentional ingestion of kerosene is the leading cause of child poisoning. 

 in the developing world . Beyond respiratory issues, the danger these lamps pose to the societies they light are plenty – in India alone the WHO estimates  that one million people each and every year suffer moderate to severe burns caused by overturned kerosene lamps.
Exploring the great potential of the simple – and infinite – force of gravity has allowed GravityLight to combat issues of energy inaccessibility and risk to public health, paving the way towards a safer future for those that need it most.
The magic of the rocks? As gravity does its thing and pulls the rocks to earth the force pulls a strap, which in turn spins gears, driving an electric generator, powering an LED. That’s quite the chain reaction, but it works – Each journey to ground creates enough energy to give continuous light for 20 minutes. The device will combat the issue of energy expense in the developing world – there are no operating costs after an initial purchase of a GravityLight, and it can last for years. 
Following its recent second successful crowdfunding campaign and with support from Shell, The GravityLight Foundation is on a 50 Night Tour across 50 villages of Kenya.  People in these villages regularly can be found lighting their homes with harmful kerosene lamps. Now they can see for themselves the innovative solution that the GravityLight can provide – a reliable source of safer, cleaner energy to the people of Kenya.  
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Monday 21 November 2016

4 Ways to clean up your social media while looking for a job

Your resumé is ready, and you’ve signup for job hunting sites. Now it’s time to boost and appropriate your social media presences.

Early in the job hunt, make sure to Google yourself  to see what’s already out there about you, then invest a little time in the following areas.

1:Your Profile Image

If you don’t have a good, clear headshot that doesn’t involve other people, pets, or beverages, it might be good to invest in a professional photo with a background that emphasizes your style and the culture you want to work in.

For consistency, use the same photo across your job-related social media accounts to start associating that image with your personal brand.


LinkedIn is now the default first stop for recruiters, hiring managers, and people looking for project help. For career changers and new job searchers, LinkedIn gives you many opportunities to shape your profile so your knowledge and skills – rather than your job experience — come to the forefront. These include a well-crafted headline and summary, links to work samples and projects, and opportunities to publish posts and join groups.

All of these elements can be arranged in whatever order best highlights your personal brand. Begin to solicit endorsements and recommendations in your new field and it is possible to move or delete old endorsements or recommendations that aren’t relevant.

As you build your LinkedIn network, begin to tag your contacts to organize them into categories for an easier search and outreach.


If your Facebook page is where you talk more about personal things and issues, post photos of your dog, or journal your latest concert, it would be better to set up a business page which encourages visitors to like, rather than friend, the page. If you plan to freelance, a Facebook business page is essential; while job-hunting, it burnishes your image as a professional.

In the last few years, Facebook has motivated people to set up business pages by attaching its ad program, Facebook Insights and other features to those pages. Where personal profiles max out at 5,000 friends, business/professional pages can attract millions. Migrating followers from personal to business pages can be a little hard, so it’s worth thinking about before you have 4,996 friends.

As part of the page, you can add a free call to action at the top of your page, including “learn more,” contact options, or downloading an app. You can also sell tickets or merchandise from your website, or links to partner apps that handle appointment booking. And while most of these promotional features come with a cost, they can be targeted and budgeted so tightly that you may find it makes business sense to boost a post or run a small ad campaign to see how it performs.


Your Twitter profile should match your other professional profiles – same image, same keywords. Creating and sharing content via Twitter is another way to grow your network and raise your profile, but when you’re just starting out, Twitter works brilliantly as a listening post.

Following people and companies you admire in the industry you hope to enter is a no-brainer. Twitter also works well as a news feed to keep you up-to-date on what’s going on with companies you’re targeting. Knowing the hot issues helps you write a great cover letter and rock your interview by showing how well-informed and interested you are. And looking smart is a great addition to anybody’s personal brand.

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The Importance of Placing Instagram in Your Digital Marketing Strategy

Since 2010, Instagram has done nothing but grow. Today, there are more than 500 million users  in this social network, which focuses primarily on images and can be accessed from mobile devices and computers alike. But Instagram is actually much more than just a collection of beautifully taken photos – it can be essential to a digital marketing strategy.

Insightful entrepreneurs have already realized the power and the impact that this social network can have on their sales and exposure. Instagram is no longer just a place to follow your friends, as users also follow brands, companies, bloggers, institutions, and magazines, among others. Thus, Instagram has become an excellent platform to promote products and services.

Instagram Tips

There are several tips that will help you take advantage of Instagram in your digital marketing strategy. The first is that, if you lack the time to take care of this, do not skip it – Instagram can be quite important these days so, if you or your company cannot deal with it, leave it in the hands of someone who has experience in the field.

 Vibbi is a company specialized and focused in Instagram-related marketing and strategies, offering many services and tools to improve that part of your business. Their service is established in three main basis: promoting your brand, backing up your content, and keeping you up with Instagram’s latest news and trends. Vibbi is then a safe bet to help with your Instagram strategy, if you cannot handle it.

New Content Is a Necessity

Other than this service, there are additional tips that anyone can apply. It is important to publish new content regularly, but without “over-posting.” The quality of the photos is important , just like it’s important to diversify the content and be creatibe. Publishing your products is key, but keep some variation by publishing about other subjects related to your business field, for example.

Another important aspect is to get as close as possible from the public target and followers. Hashtags are quite important for this, as they help you find users interested in your field, which can be used to create your following. After this, you should keep followers engaged, and a good move for this is to inspire them. For example, if your field is fitness, then photos of athletes in action are a great option.

Engage Your Followers

Communication with your followers is also essential, so leave comments on their photos, reply to their questions and doubts, and be sure to mark partners, such as suppliers, clients, and collaborators on your photos. Last but not least, sales and discounts are also quite popular with clients, so do not keep those on a drawer.

Social networks are extremely useful for companies to build an intimate relationship with their customers and want to show a more human side to the general public. Instagram is the prime example of that. Whether using the services of a specialized company or doing it yourself, Instagram can be essential for your digital marketing strategy, so really do not skip the opportunity.


Sunday 20 November 2016

Amazon's new app will 'see' inside your packages

Amazon is giving its app a new feature to help holiday shoppers keep track of what's in their packages. The company updated its iPhone app with a new feature that uses the phone's camera to help detect what's inside your packages without opening them.
Dubbed, "Package X-Ray," the feature uses your iPhone's camera to scan the barcode on the package. Once scanned, the app will show which of your orders are inside. 
You can try it for yourself if you have the latest version of Amazon's iOS app (no word yet on Android availability) by tapping the camera icon next to the search bar and selecting "Package X-Ray.

While admittedly not as cool as actual x-ray vision, the feature should be particularly useful to for holiday shopping — especially if you're trying to keep a particular shipment away from prying eyes. Even if you order multiple orders at once, Amazon doesn't always ship items together, so you could have multiple packages show up simultaneously.
Amazon, of course, is already  gearing up for black friday
 with sales on Echo, Kindle and Fire TV devices, as well as televisions and other electronics. Now you can order as much as you want without worrying about keeping track of when they all show up at your door. 


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