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Its agreeable that worst things tend to happen to us when we are alone: Be it health emergencies,  crimes etc. .All these happen to us unex...

Wednesday 28 December 2016

Set goals crush them: Dont make these mistakes


Let me tell you the story about how, at a particularly low point in my life, I decided to set a big "goal" to try to turn things around...

And how, four years later, I still hadn't hit it :-(

I finally realized (by a weird coincidence) that I had made the 3 Fatal Mistakes that will always destroy your chances of hitting any new goal you set.

So I was focused for FOUR YEARS on a goal that could never actually come true.

Trying every new solution that came along, in hopes it would get me there "sometime."

Staying up till midnight and later, working on projects that I "thought" would get me closer to my goal.

Sacrificing precious time with family and friends, thinking "it will all be worth it someday..."

Pouring time and money I didn't have down the drain in the name of hitting my goal...thinking, "I'm so close this time."

Losing the respect and support of those around me (who thought I was crazy).

Nothing worked.

I was just getting discouraged.

I was getting exhausted.

And I was going deeper in debt.

Finally, I had to admit that, instead of hitting my big goal of "Becoming a Millionaire" ...

I was about to lose everything

I couldn't even afford rent, not to mention being any closer to my "goal."

I was feeling pretty crushed...

I was feeling kind of stupid...

I was even feeling scared.

All my dreams were coming to a dead end.

I don't want this kind of thing to happen to you. Ever.

So -

Here are the 3 fatal mistakes to avoid when setting a goal (especially for the New Year)...

Mistake #1: Setting an unclear, vague, non-measurable goal.

Most people set goals that are so vague, there is no way to even know if they hit them.

For example, "I want to lose weight."

Or, "I want to make more money."

Or, "I want more time."

How much weight? By doing what?

How much more money, by when?

How much more time, when, so you can do what?

The problem is, the human brain simply can't work on your goals without knowing these details.

This is the mistake I made when I set my goals"

And it almost cost me my dream.

Mistake #2: Setting too many small, unrelated goals.

This is something that we learn to do, by following (bad) examples.

"What goals do you have for the New Year?"

"Well, let's see...I want to lose weight...have more time...make more money...and take a trip to Seychelles."

Because there are so many goals, and each one has many different things you need to do to reach each one, your brain quickly short-circuits.

"Help!" it screams. "I can't do all this! I don't even know how to do one of these yet, not to mention four!"

Panic sets in...and then, everything stalls. Goodbye goals.

However, if you set one BIG goal, and focus on hitting it, using everything you've got...

You're MUCH more likely to actually get there.

And then, hey, you can set a new goal!

Mistake #3: Using your conscious brain to set your goals.

Now, this one may seem strange, as of course you have to use your conscious brain to set your goal, right?

Well yes, you do.

But most people use ONLY their conscious mind to set (and then try to hit) their goals.

Why is this a mistake?

Picture this:

Your conscious brain is like that 10% of the iceberg that you see above the water...

While your subconscious brain is the 90% that is hidden there UNDER the surface.

So whatever you're trying to do with your conscious mind -

If your subconscious isn't on board, it will be actually working against you.

And that's 90% against 10%.

So guess who's going to win. :-(

That's right...your subconscious brain will win, and you will stay exactly where you are now.

When I set my first big goal, I made mistake number one and three in spades!

I set a vague, non-measurable goal, and THEN I went about trying to hit it without getting my subconscious brain onboard.

And what happened?


Deeper in debt.

Working 60-80 hours per week.

Damaging my relationship with family and friends.

Losing everything.

Neglecting my health (and sanity).

And getting more negative results

Those are the mistakes I made...

P.S. Hit comment and let me know if you've ever made (or think you're making) either or both of the two mistakes above.

Or if you've set New Year's goals in the past that didn't come true, and wondered "what went wrong" I did.

I'd love to hear your experience with goal-setting in the past...


Wednesday 7 December 2016

Facebook ranks as the top tech company to work for in 2017

Facebook ranked as the best tech company to work for in 2017 as well as  coming in second among world companies overall, according to a new report from Glassdoor. The ninth annual list is based on employee reviews posted on the job site from Nov. 2, 2015 to Oct. 30, 2016.

In 2011 and 2013 Facebook took the number one spot overall,  and was number five last year. This year, management consultancy Bain and Company returned to the top spot.The tech industry overall had another good year, since it accounted for 20 of the top 50 companies in the United States. Apple and Google, along with Bain, are the only employers to make the list for all nine consecutive years.

Glassdoor's Allison Berry :
 “The tech industry "really pioneered this whole idea of providing really fantastic benefits and offering very competitive compensation. It’s been interesting to see other companies that are outside of the space following through,"

Berry, looking at the Glassdoor reviews, pointed to employee frustrations with management and work hours. "As companies try to scale, you see less transparency. Employees are putting in longer hours and you might see less work-life balance, and employees aren’t as confident as career procession," Berry said."We are constantly working to improve and expand in these areas through initiatives that foster professional development, support health and well-being, and we are expanding other benefits such as matching 401(k) contributions in 2017," Brittany Cornejo, a public relations specialist with Airbnb  says.

Apple just revealed the most-downloaded app of 2016

Apple has revealed the most downloaded apps of 2016 and the top spot should come as little surprise to those who have been paying attention: Snapchat.

As if we needed more proof that Evan Spiegel's app was having its best year ever,  Snapchat beat out Facebook, Instagram and Pokémon Go to be the most-downloaded free app in the App Store in 2016, according to Apple.

Though much of the list will come as little surprise as Facebook, Instagram, Google Maps and YouTube regularly land the top spots in the App Store, the order may be less expected. Facebook's much-maligned app, Messenger (which currently has an average App Store rating of just three stars) landed the second spot, while the summer's massive hit Pokémon Go came in at number three.

Snapchat also made the list last year but was only ranked #5 (Trivia Crack, which made #1 in 2015, didn't even make the top 10 this year.)

Here's the full list, according to Apple.



Pokémon GO




Google Maps



Spotify Music

Over on the paid charts, the apps are a lot more varied, with Heads Up! grabbing the top spot (for the second year in a row) and Face Swap Live and Minecraft: Pocket Edition right behind.

Apple also announced its editorial picks for best apps of the year. Photo app Prisma landed best iPhone app of the year while Clash Royale was named best iPhone game.

You can take a look at all of the apps that made Apple's top lists on iTunes.

Android app updates will get drastically smaller

Updating apps on your mobile device isn't just a matter of a few seconds anymore; with apps (games, especially) steadily rising in size, a larger set of updates can easily grow into gigabytes of data and many minutes of downloading.

Google addressed the issue earlier this year by switching to a new compression algorithm, which the company says reduced the size of app updates by 47 percent on average.

Now, the company has made even bigger progress by using an app updating technique called File-by-File patching which makes app updates 65 percent smaller on average compared with the full app.

According to Google, the overall data savings will add up to 6 petabytes per day, making the internet that much less clogged for all of us.

For a detailed overview of how File-by-File patching works, see Google's blog post, or go to the project's Github page.

The most interesting bit for the majority of us are the real-world examples which show how much this technique can reduce the size of an app update. For example, an update to Google Maps was previously 17.5MB; now, with File-by-File patching applied, only 9.6MB.

Android developers don't need to do anything for File-by-File patching to be applied to their apps. But for now, Google is limiting the new patching technology  due to hardware limitations on older phones, as the new tech requires more processing power, to auto-updates, or updates that happen in the background, usually at night.

 As phones get more and more powerful, this is likely to change in the future.

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Brand New Gospel Music || Adi Fete & KP - Treasure

Treasure is a hip-hop gospel song stared by Adi-fete (Dickson Otieno) a Kenyan gospel hip-hop artist. He  has featured K.p (Kepron Mushi) a Tanzanian musician in the song . 

This song talks of how one should consider  him/her self as a treasure meaning important person no matter the situation because God himself sees us full of worth. It  was recorded by one of the best gospel producers in Kenya, Othole Mukama from NDANI YA NYUMBA PRODUCTION Nairobi,Kenya.Year of production is 2016.

Apart from Music,The two youngsters are currently pursuing their communication degrees at Daystar University Kenya.This is their first collabo in the industry as they seek to leave a mark in the gospel music industry.

Dickson Otieno’s handles          Treasure is a hip-hop gospel song stared by Adi-fete (Dickson Otieno) a Kenyan gospel hip-hop artist and he featured K.p (Kepron Mushi) a Tanzanian musician. This song talks of how one should consider  him/her self as a treasure meaning important person no matter the situation because God himself sees us full of was recorded by one of the best gospel producers in Kenya, Othole Mukama from NDANI YA NYUMBA PRODUCTION Nairobi,Kenya.Year of production is 2016.

Apart from Music,The two youngsters are currently pursuing their communication degrees at Daystar University Kenya.This is their first collabo in the industry as they seek to leave a mark in the gospel music industry.

click the lin below to listen to treasure

connect with Dickson Otieno’s  via              
Instagram; Adi__fete                                     
Facebook; Adi Fete                                       
Twitter; Adi Fete                                           

connect with   Kepron Mushi’s handles
Instagram;always_ k.p
Facebook:  k.palways


Tuesday 6 December 2016


Lets  all agree that Wi-Fi routers aren't sexy devices. Nobody really gets excited over a router. unless maybe if you work in IT  ,

And yet, Wi-Fi routers are kind of the rage right now. The truth is, we all want fast and reliable Wi-Fi in every corner of our home. But networking gear is mostly "meh," with ugly and cumbersome hardware and sub-par software, often using dated web-based interfaces that might as well require a computer science degree to figure out.

Google's OnHub router, which debuted last year, was a good step towards improving Wi-Fi at home, but at kshs 20,000 its price was too high and didn't really fix bad Wi-Fi in large, multi-room homes.
Google now has a new approach to improve home Wi-Fi, simply called Google Wifi :kshs12900  for a single unit. Rather than cramming a dozen antennas into one router, Wifi imitates routers from the likes of Eero and Luma, using multiple small routers to create a "mesh network" and essentially kill dead zones.

Lets all agree that the vast majority of people wont buy a router that looks like a plastic tarantula taking a nap.
Most people usually stick with the modem and router their cable/internet provider includes with their internet service. And because these routers are usually average, they mostly have poor Wi-Fi range, which means the farther away you go from its physical location, the weaker your signal gets.

Most newer Wi-Fi routers support 2.4GHz and 5GHz wireless frequencies.
Each has its advantages and disadvantages. A 2.4GHz network has greater coverage over farther distances, but lower speeds, and a 5GHz network has poorer long distance coverage, but faster speeds.
Google Wifi, just like Eero and Luma, offers the best of both worlds: coverage and speed.

Single Google Wifi unit works exactly like the OnHub. You connect it into your modem via Ethernet, plug it into power, use the Google Wifi app (previously called OnHub) for iOS or Android to configure it, and in less than the time it takes to make yourself a hearty sandwich, you've got a functional Wi-Fi network. It's really telling how easy Google made the setup process when the box doesn't even come with instructions. 
If you've got a small apartment (500-1,500 square feet), a single Google Wifi unit is enough, and at kshs12,900 it's more affordable than the OnHub. Not to mention the physical Google Wifi is less than half the size of its progenitor. 

Do you have Wi-Fi dead zones in your home and want to know if the kshs.29,900 three-pack of Google Wifi routers will fix things. 
The answer is: yes, Google Wifi will fix them. All you have to do to make your poor Wi-Fi go away is place a second or third Google Wifi unit in the room you want to extend Wi-Fi to and wirelessly connect it the main unit. 
Have you ever tried connecting to Wi-Fi networks in rooms that are either too far or obstructed by physical barriers that the Wi-Fi can't pass through easily, you'll know that your connection can be very spotty.Trying to stream a YouTube or Netflix video is a test of patience as you watch it try to buffer with little success and downloading files is slow as balls. 
At some point you'll probably just give up and move closer to your router.With Google wi fi there are no  such wireless issues.The Wi-Fi will be strong and fast although Your mileage may vary.Google says two Wifi units are good for homes between 1,500 and 3,000 square feet.Use three to cover a home with 3,000 to 4,500 square feet.
The Google Wifi app is just as visually attractive and friendly. It still lets you manage all of the advanced router stuff (DNS, WAN, PPoE, etc.) manually if you'd like and comes with all the aforementioned features that were in the OnHub app.
One new feature is called "Family Wi-Fi" and it lets you "pause" a device from accessing Wi-Fi. Paused devices are still connected to the Wi-Fi network, but they won't be able to refresh app content or access the internet. Google says this is useful for, say, parents who want to temporarily disable their kid's Wi-Fi for dinner or homework time. I could see it being a good tool for parents, for sure, but if your kid's still got a cellular connection, the pause feature doesn't block that. 
A more useful new feature is "Guest Wi-Fi", which, as you can probably guess, creates a Wi-Fi network for guests. A guest network is separate from your main Wi-Fi network and also lets you grant guests access to devices you've got set up to your main network (i.e. Chromecast). It's definitely a nice convenience. 

If you want your Wi-Fi to "just work," I can't recommend Google Wifi enough.


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