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Wednesday 28 December 2016

Set goals crush them: Dont make these mistakes


Let me tell you the story about how, at a particularly low point in my life, I decided to set a big "goal" to try to turn things around...

And how, four years later, I still hadn't hit it :-(

I finally realized (by a weird coincidence) that I had made the 3 Fatal Mistakes that will always destroy your chances of hitting any new goal you set.

So I was focused for FOUR YEARS on a goal that could never actually come true.

Trying every new solution that came along, in hopes it would get me there "sometime."

Staying up till midnight and later, working on projects that I "thought" would get me closer to my goal.

Sacrificing precious time with family and friends, thinking "it will all be worth it someday..."

Pouring time and money I didn't have down the drain in the name of hitting my goal...thinking, "I'm so close this time."

Losing the respect and support of those around me (who thought I was crazy).

Nothing worked.

I was just getting discouraged.

I was getting exhausted.

And I was going deeper in debt.

Finally, I had to admit that, instead of hitting my big goal of "Becoming a Millionaire" ...

I was about to lose everything

I couldn't even afford rent, not to mention being any closer to my "goal."

I was feeling pretty crushed...

I was feeling kind of stupid...

I was even feeling scared.

All my dreams were coming to a dead end.

I don't want this kind of thing to happen to you. Ever.

So -

Here are the 3 fatal mistakes to avoid when setting a goal (especially for the New Year)...

Mistake #1: Setting an unclear, vague, non-measurable goal.

Most people set goals that are so vague, there is no way to even know if they hit them.

For example, "I want to lose weight."

Or, "I want to make more money."

Or, "I want more time."

How much weight? By doing what?

How much more money, by when?

How much more time, when, so you can do what?

The problem is, the human brain simply can't work on your goals without knowing these details.

This is the mistake I made when I set my goals"

And it almost cost me my dream.

Mistake #2: Setting too many small, unrelated goals.

This is something that we learn to do, by following (bad) examples.

"What goals do you have for the New Year?"

"Well, let's see...I want to lose weight...have more time...make more money...and take a trip to Seychelles."

Because there are so many goals, and each one has many different things you need to do to reach each one, your brain quickly short-circuits.

"Help!" it screams. "I can't do all this! I don't even know how to do one of these yet, not to mention four!"

Panic sets in...and then, everything stalls. Goodbye goals.

However, if you set one BIG goal, and focus on hitting it, using everything you've got...

You're MUCH more likely to actually get there.

And then, hey, you can set a new goal!

Mistake #3: Using your conscious brain to set your goals.

Now, this one may seem strange, as of course you have to use your conscious brain to set your goal, right?

Well yes, you do.

But most people use ONLY their conscious mind to set (and then try to hit) their goals.

Why is this a mistake?

Picture this:

Your conscious brain is like that 10% of the iceberg that you see above the water...

While your subconscious brain is the 90% that is hidden there UNDER the surface.

So whatever you're trying to do with your conscious mind -

If your subconscious isn't on board, it will be actually working against you.

And that's 90% against 10%.

So guess who's going to win. :-(

That's right...your subconscious brain will win, and you will stay exactly where you are now.

When I set my first big goal, I made mistake number one and three in spades!

I set a vague, non-measurable goal, and THEN I went about trying to hit it without getting my subconscious brain onboard.

And what happened?


Deeper in debt.

Working 60-80 hours per week.

Damaging my relationship with family and friends.

Losing everything.

Neglecting my health (and sanity).

And getting more negative results

Those are the mistakes I made...

P.S. Hit comment and let me know if you've ever made (or think you're making) either or both of the two mistakes above.

Or if you've set New Year's goals in the past that didn't come true, and wondered "what went wrong" I did.

I'd love to hear your experience with goal-setting in the past...




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