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Friday 6 January 2017

Why You Should Start Replying To Auto DM’s on Twitter

Auto DM’s are auto direct messages on Twitter .if you are a frequent Twitter user then you probably know what I'm talking about.For instance , you follow someone and you get this on your Direct Message   Hello thank you for following @PresenterAli.

If you get them , you probably noticed that you get a lot of these,from people you recently followed.
 clearly most of these DM’s are automated and are  sent to all new followers. And once we realise that message is not personal, we tend to ignore it, right? But there are few reasons why you shouldn’t.
You can make these DM’s work for your own advantage.

1. great way to outreach people

Direct Messages are a channel where you can have private conversations. This is a great way to outreach people, especially the ones you don’t know yet. But you can send DM’s only to people who already follows you. This means that people you just followed got access to your DM inbox and can send manual or auto message your way. And while they do not follow you back – their inbox is out of reach.


But there is one trick. Once you get a Direct Message – you can send a reply even if that person doesn’t follow you.therefore, auto DMs givve you access to people even those who dont follow you back.

2. Connect with people

Engagement  is  a  key tool that aids in Effective Twitter marketing. it only makes sense if you follow people that are interesting for you or your brand. That means all DM’s you get are from people you want to connect with, right? So please do not leave them hanging.
If you received auto DM that says something like “Thanks for following me” – treat it like a real conversation in a networking event.
You should always reply. Otherwise, you might be leaving a lot of opportunities uncovered.

despite the fact that sometimes you wont get a reply from people who send auto DM’s. You can craft a short reply that does not take you a lot of time to send. But personal messages always work better. You will see a return of investment quite fast.

3. Get more followers

People can send you Direct Messages without following you back. That means that quite frequently you will receive a message from someone who is not your follower yet. This is a great opportunity to turn people into followers. If you connect with them through private conversation – there is a high probability that they will be confident enough to follow you back.

If you already created reciprocity by doing something they asked for – you can invite people to follow back. Tell that you want to stay connected and engage with each other tweets. It really works. And sometimes even without asking.

4. Have more engaged followers

Followers that you get after having a private conversation are more engaged with content you share. You already started a relationship so people feel more connected to you and your ideas. If you invest time in engaging with their tweets as well – you will see great results.After all, you want followers that listen to what you have to say. So this is a great way to gain these listening followers. Once again – use this opportunity.
5. Avoid gate-keeper
last but definitely no the least, Direct Messages are a channel where you can have private conversations. This is a great way to outreach people, especially the ones you don’t know yet. But you can send DM’s only to people who already follows you. This means that people you just followed got access to your DM inbox and can send manual or auto message your way. And while they do not follow you back – their inbox is out of reach.

This means that auto DM’s give an access to your prospects Twitter inbox without any extra effort! You shouldn’t ignore this opportunity. 

After realising that their automatic system opens the door for you – you start to look forward to all incoming DM’s.

Thanks for checking out my blog , much appreciated 
connect with me on all social media platforms
Facebook: Presenter Ali (@presenterali1)
Twitter: @PresenterAli
Instagram: @PresenterAli
see you around, feel free to share this article with your friends.

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