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Its agreeable that worst things tend to happen to us when we are alone: Be it health emergencies,  crimes etc. .All these happen to us unex...

Friday 13 January 2017

It's now much harder to see if someone edited a Facebook post

Have you ever made a cringeworthy mistake in a Facebook post?well i'll help you answer that "YES , WE ALL HAVE!! "  at one point

Its quite familiar seeing a Facebook post full of spelling mistakes  and  errors but a few minutes later , the post looks  quite clean with no single grammatical error .There's usually a small seen spot reading "EDITED" that unveils our social media 'behaviour'- a social media feature that most social media networks haven't added still.

However, facebook has now removed the "edited " post label making it hard for one to see if if a post has been edited or not.This has made  it much more difficult to know when someone actually took the time to fix their mistake.

truth is,  this type of editing isn't a big deal , because we all eventually aim at delivering the right message in the best possible way we can ; avoiding any types of mistakes.But the move to hide post edit labels takes away one of the few features that provided any transparency for our online behavior.

To see the edited post, you need to right click at the top right of the post , a drop down menu appears .Now click "view edit history" the edited post shows up

 This feature raises one of the biggest ethical questions that has long plagued social media and the way we interact on the internet: Should we have the power to instantly, surreptitiously rewrite our wrongs to preserve our online image?



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