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Its agreeable that worst things tend to happen to us when we are alone: Be it health emergencies,  crimes etc. .All these happen to us unex...

Friday 13 January 2017

How to free up disk space on an Android device

The "insufficient storage available"  is probably one of the most annoying  messages one ever wishes to  see popping up on the display of their Android phone or tablet especially that time you are trying to download a new app, add anew song to your playlist or even capture a lifetime moment using your phone.
well, if you ever find yourself in this situation, here are a few tips to keep you back on track enjoying every minute of your android phone.
1 Delete photos and videos
 Photos and videos  take up a substantial amount of space - tap Storage and Settings to check on your device.
still, you can back all this up - but before you do that, do a bit of cleaning and remove all those blurred, pointless and dull pictures you don't really need.
2:Delete apps you're not using
 some apps  take up big chunks of space on your device that you can claim back if you don't use them any more.
How to go about it.
Open the Settings app then tap 'Storage' and then 'Apps' to see the apps taking up space on your Android device, with the biggest disk hoggers at the top. to unistall these apps, go to the Apps menu from Settings, tap any of the apps listed, and select 'Uninstall'.
you can back up data incase you might need the app in future
3:Delete app caches and data
deleting  the cache and databases for  apps helps you  keep certain apps on your system but cut down on the amount of space they take up.
how to go about it:
go to Settings then Storage > Apps and you'll see two options for each one - Clear Data and Clear Cache
Clear Data removes personalized data held by the app - it's like uninstalling it and reinstalling it. In the case of twitter, for example, you'd find yourself logged out
Clear Cache  just empties the temporary cache of files held by the app so it can start up more quickly, basically bits of the app kept in memory. Clear the cache and the app will launch more slowly the next time you use it, but nothing else should've changed.
4 Delete offline playlists
Open up Spotify, Google Play Music, Apple Music or whatever you have on your phone and see if there are any cached playlists you do without for a while.
Podcast apps are also known for keeping large files around, though it's not really the app's fault if you haven't deleted old episodes you've listened to. Most podcast apps come with auto-cleanup options that erase episodes when they've been played, so see if your app of choice has anything like this available, or just delete the podcasts manually.
5:Syncing  photos and videos to the cloud
most times, we do not  want to delete anything permanently, we just want to  get it off our phones at that particular moment. Fortunately, Google Photos does a great job of this, and you can see which pictures and videos have already been synced to the cloud by launching the app and choosing Settings then Backup & sync from the menu.
There's also a dedicated 'Free up space' entry on the menu - this searches your phone or tablet for photos and videos that have already been backed up, and then asks if you want to erase the copies stored on your device. Your photos and videos will still be safe and sound in the cloud, though they may have been resized, depending on the backup options you've chosen in Google Photos.
You can actually get this to all happen automatically: from Settings tap 'Storage' then 'Manage storage' to find the Smart Storage option.
There are  apps, like Dropbox, which can do a similar job for you, syncing images and video clips to the web automatically so you can delete the originals.
6:Delete data from your browser
giving your mobile browser a good clear-out  is another way you can free up some space in your phone.
in fact you can do this job through the clear cache and clear data functions we mentioned a few steps ago, although that method doesn't give you much control over what's wiped and what isn't.
7:Delete other types of files
More recent (6.0+) versions of Android have a built-in file manager too: from Settings choose 'Storage' and then 'Explore'.here you will find that, There are various other types of files you can get rid of on your device.
To delete a file, long-press on it then tap the trash can icon. You can select several files at once after the first long-press.
NB: do not delete any files you're not sure about - you might break one or two of your apps .


It's now much harder to see if someone edited a Facebook post

Have you ever made a cringeworthy mistake in a Facebook post?well i'll help you answer that "YES , WE ALL HAVE!! "  at one point

Its quite familiar seeing a Facebook post full of spelling mistakes  and  errors but a few minutes later , the post looks  quite clean with no single grammatical error .There's usually a small seen spot reading "EDITED" that unveils our social media 'behaviour'- a social media feature that most social media networks haven't added still.

However, facebook has now removed the "edited " post label making it hard for one to see if if a post has been edited or not.This has made  it much more difficult to know when someone actually took the time to fix their mistake.

truth is,  this type of editing isn't a big deal , because we all eventually aim at delivering the right message in the best possible way we can ; avoiding any types of mistakes.But the move to hide post edit labels takes away one of the few features that provided any transparency for our online behavior.

To see the edited post, you need to right click at the top right of the post , a drop down menu appears .Now click "view edit history" the edited post shows up

 This feature raises one of the biggest ethical questions that has long plagued social media and the way we interact on the internet: Should we have the power to instantly, surreptitiously rewrite our wrongs to preserve our online image?

Thursday 12 January 2017

Toontastic 3D, a new app for kids to animate with

Google just launched a new storytelling app that will help kids create their own cartoons.

 Kids can use Toontastic 3D to make animations using a set of built-in characters or create their own using the app's editor and camera. They can record sound and create a story, which is then saved as a 3D video

In 2014, Google announced plans to revamp its products with a 12-and-under focus. Since then, the company has announced several standalone apps for kids, including YouTube Kids.

The company has also launched several family-oriented experiences with increased parental controls. Google acquired kids app-maker Launchpad Toys in early 2015 as part of its effort to push into kids technology. After the acquisition, Launchpad made its apps free for everyone.

And Google previously launched Telestory, an augmented reality video camera for kids to record their own TV shows. Both apps are widely praised by parents and educators.

Toontastic 3D is available for Android and iOS as of Thursday morning—if you're not seeing it yet, give your preferred app store some time to update.


Facebook has a plan to help journalism thrive

On Wednesday Facebook announced "THE FACEBOOK JOURNALISM PROJECT," a new initiative that will include more collaboration with media outlets, new tools and training for journalists, as well as education efforts for the general public.
 Facebook confirmed previous reports that it is bringing ads breaks to its videos, a potentially lucrative move for publishers and for Facebook.
"We know that our community values sharing and discussing ideas and news, and as a part of our service, we care a great deal about making sure that a healthy news ecosystem and journalism can thrive," wrote Fidji Simo, a director of product at Facebook, in a blog post announcing the program. "That’s why today we’re announcing a new program to establish stronger ties between Facebook and the news industry."

The new initiative comes after Facebook was widely critiqued for its role in disseminating misleading news (fake news) and propaganda around the U.S election. Facebook has also been under fire from those in the media industry for its role in controlling access to readers without providing much in the way of monetization.
Facebook has pushed back against those critics while also beginning to introduce new ways for its users to report hoaxes.
The initiative announcement is divided into three parts: collaboration, tools/education for journalists and tools/education for the public.
"Publishers simply choose the articles and a cover image or video to package together in a set of Instant Articles," wrote Facebook product manager Josh Roberts in a blog post about the new magazine-like format.
In addition to the new Instant Articles format, Simo said that Facebook also wants to help with improving the prospects of local news. Local media outlets have been particularly hard hit in recent years as the economics of media have changed.
As for tools and education for journalists, Facebook will be introducing a "certificate curriculum" in partnership with the Poynter Institute for Media Studies for journalists that complete its courses on how to best use Facebook.
Facebook will also be making CrowdTangle, the Facebook audience tracking startup that it recently bought, free for publishing partners.
 Facebook will be working with outside organizations "on how to better understand and to promote news literacy both on and off our platform to help people in our community have the information they need to make decisions about which sources to trust."
, Facebook said it is working with Arizona State University to figure out how to support this goal, as well as working with the News Literacy Project to make public service ads on the issue.
 Facebook as well  said it will continue efforts to "reduce the spread of news hoaxes.


Sunday 8 January 2017


Its agreeable that worst things tend to happen to us when we are alone: Be it health emergencies,  crimes etc. .All these happen to us unexpectedly.

Truth is, we don't always get  a chance to scream, or call out for help .Yet we want to feel secure wherever we walk with friends,loved ones,  family and more so when  alone.

Usalama app which debuted last year November  (2016) offer a solution for you: armed robbery , burglary, mugging, car jacking , gender violence and medical emergency .

Lets all agree that the ordinary citizen is not in a position to hire a personal body guard, or purchase  a licensed pistol for his security etc, but the good news is: The Usalama App.

So I set foot on a path to discover how this app works.honestly , I've seen apps been advertised on billboards,and Been a tech-lover , I hurriedly get to google play store , download it and a few hours later, end up deleting it after realizing that it was all a fuss.

So after Jamlick Kyalo, a friend of mine and Usalama App marketing Partner under Dylan LTD told me about the app,  I decided to download it, as tell as test it .

believe me you, the app is great, here are reasons why Usalama app ticks!!

1: its quite easy to download on the google play store
enter the word "USALAMA" on the search box on Google Play Store.

 2:Only 7.66MBs and I was  set to security in my pocket.Is that too much to ask for for your security?

3: Its quite easy to use since it gives me  a" Pre-Use" manual brief and slowly guides one about what the app is all about

More Over, I realized that Usalama has multiple features which are really amazing

1. CRIME DISTRESS CALL - Allows victims to communicate quickly with their next of kin.

the distress logs were empty , i hadnt sent any distress alert.

2. TIMER - Set automated alerts if you are going to a risky location.

first I set location on,phone uses GPS to get your location

3. NEWS ALERTS- Location based to allow you to share and receive news on crimes and criminal activity

4. USALAMA AROUND - Allows for Usalama users to view and connect with nearby users within a 200 M radius

5. WALK WITH ME - Allows multiple Usalama users to keep tabs on each others position as they move. ( i used jamlick's email to this feature)

after following all those procedures, i chose three emergency numbers . I sent a distress to Jamlick (this was a trial to test functionality of the app) and.... he got my distress : below is the screenshot

Usalama also has two user options:
i) As an Individual: This allows you to use the application independently from any organized estate or association. You will enjoy all the above listed services.
ii) As an estate: This allows you to use the Usalama Mtaani platform which adds an extra estate based property to Usalama

The app allows its users to enter three contacts of family and friends who they would contact in case of an emergency. It has a simple interface that consists of 4 customizable crime scenarios which are to be selected by an individual when they are in distress.

Upon selection of one scenario, the application activates an internet connection and location service (GPS), which it uses to scan and get the location of the victim before composing a message with the victim’s location, the rescuers location, the nearest three police stations from the victim, and the respective paths from the victim.  If the contacts receiving the alert also have the app installed on their devices, distress calls are sent as notifications to them allowing them to open within the app to display the information.

As technology improves, our security should as well improve.

so congrats  to the apps developers,
I'd give it 4/5 -Star Rating 

So, if you want your security,your family's happiness, I wouldn't recommend a better app than the Usalama app.("SECURITY STARTS WITH YOU - UHURU KENYATTA )

So tell a friend to tell a friend  about USALAMA APP, you could save a life !!!

click here to download the app.

Thanks for visiting my blog. Lets catch up on all social media platforms.Dont forget to subscribe.Cheers!

                                   FACEBOOK : Presenter Ali
                                   TWITTER:   @PresenterAli

Friday 6 January 2017

Why You Should Start Replying To Auto DM’s on Twitter

Auto DM’s are auto direct messages on Twitter .if you are a frequent Twitter user then you probably know what I'm talking about.For instance , you follow someone and you get this on your Direct Message   Hello thank you for following @PresenterAli.

If you get them , you probably noticed that you get a lot of these,from people you recently followed.
 clearly most of these DM’s are automated and are  sent to all new followers. And once we realise that message is not personal, we tend to ignore it, right? But there are few reasons why you shouldn’t.
You can make these DM’s work for your own advantage.

1. great way to outreach people

Direct Messages are a channel where you can have private conversations. This is a great way to outreach people, especially the ones you don’t know yet. But you can send DM’s only to people who already follows you. This means that people you just followed got access to your DM inbox and can send manual or auto message your way. And while they do not follow you back – their inbox is out of reach.


But there is one trick. Once you get a Direct Message – you can send a reply even if that person doesn’t follow you.therefore, auto DMs givve you access to people even those who dont follow you back.

2. Connect with people

Engagement  is  a  key tool that aids in Effective Twitter marketing. it only makes sense if you follow people that are interesting for you or your brand. That means all DM’s you get are from people you want to connect with, right? So please do not leave them hanging.
If you received auto DM that says something like “Thanks for following me” – treat it like a real conversation in a networking event.
You should always reply. Otherwise, you might be leaving a lot of opportunities uncovered.

despite the fact that sometimes you wont get a reply from people who send auto DM’s. You can craft a short reply that does not take you a lot of time to send. But personal messages always work better. You will see a return of investment quite fast.

3. Get more followers

People can send you Direct Messages without following you back. That means that quite frequently you will receive a message from someone who is not your follower yet. This is a great opportunity to turn people into followers. If you connect with them through private conversation – there is a high probability that they will be confident enough to follow you back.

If you already created reciprocity by doing something they asked for – you can invite people to follow back. Tell that you want to stay connected and engage with each other tweets. It really works. And sometimes even without asking.

4. Have more engaged followers

Followers that you get after having a private conversation are more engaged with content you share. You already started a relationship so people feel more connected to you and your ideas. If you invest time in engaging with their tweets as well – you will see great results.After all, you want followers that listen to what you have to say. So this is a great way to gain these listening followers. Once again – use this opportunity.
5. Avoid gate-keeper
last but definitely no the least, Direct Messages are a channel where you can have private conversations. This is a great way to outreach people, especially the ones you don’t know yet. But you can send DM’s only to people who already follows you. This means that people you just followed got access to your DM inbox and can send manual or auto message your way. And while they do not follow you back – their inbox is out of reach.

This means that auto DM’s give an access to your prospects Twitter inbox without any extra effort! You shouldn’t ignore this opportunity. 

After realising that their automatic system opens the door for you – you start to look forward to all incoming DM’s.

Thanks for checking out my blog , much appreciated 
connect with me on all social media platforms
Facebook: Presenter Ali (@presenterali1)
Twitter: @PresenterAli
Instagram: @PresenterAli
see you around, feel free to share this article with your friends.

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